Once again I have list-itis....a need to make a list which coincindentally, happens to be about other 'itises' if that is a word.
10. Clean surface -itis
This is for the person who sees a clean, flat surface and immediately dumps about three months worth of supplies on it. Try to sit down and put a coffee cup down on the table is not possible because if you try to move the stuff just ever so slightly, it will cause all items(most of which are either breakable or has some kind of liquid that cannot be cleaned up properly) within a 12 foot radius to fall on to the floor.
9. NON clean surface itis.
This is the person that lives with number ten and refrains from acting out the wire hanger scene from the movie 'Mommie Dearest' or would wind up in the looney bin. This person breathes a sigh of relief when the counter has been cleaned, all the items put away and can finally take a break only to return ten seconds later to fine the surface covered with items again.
8. Pair-itis
This is when two of something is just not possible no matter how hard you try. For instance, I need to wear the large sunglasses for eye protection and I am always misplacing them. Hubby buys me two pair and one immediately disappears before arriving at the house. This also works for sock, mittens, or any cooking item that needs a lid.
7. TV-itis
This is the uncontrollable need to watch tv even though there is nothing worth watching on. Every Sunday we watch football, even in the summer when it is not on. We just sit and channel surf until the fall when it does finally come on.
6. Food-itis
This is obvious....we all need to eat but some of us (ok, me) need to eat all the time even when the tummy is full, even though we do not feel good about ourselves after we have eaten the whole box of cookies or the whole plate of bacon.
5. Exercise-itis
Number six leads us to number five. Because we love to eat, we need to exercise but we do not even though we feel better afterwards.(The opposite of fooditis). At least I felt better that one time I did exercise.
4. Spend-itis or Save-itis
You are either one or the other.....you love to spend or you love to save. Either one can be a problem when taken too far. Some people buy things they do not need and in fact, never look at it once they buy it. They put it in the closet and hide it from their loved ones so they do not get into trouble so what is the purpose of buying it? For the saver, this person would rather lower the thermostat to freezing and be grumpy rather than turning it up to heat the house enough so everyone can get a good night's sleep. (That would be me, but I have started to turn up the heat a little. We have gone from four blankets on the bed, to three).
3. It is gonna happen-itis
This is the 40 year old person who saves her clothes from high school because she will eventually fit into them. This is also know by it's more familiar name, Dream on-itis. (Yes, me again).
2. Direction-itis
This is a very common trait commonly found in males where they will purchase something they have never purchased before and attempt to put it together without reading the directions. This is also popular with the guys who do not stop and ask for directions when they are lost.
1. More than once-itis (aka nag-itis). This is when one asks one to do something and is assured it will be done only to realize five months later it is still not done. However, if one asks again (more than once) the project has then entered the "No way will it be done this century" phase.
Finally, I have to say I have "avoid-itis" because I did this list instead of getting stuff done around the house. I have made it long enough so now there is not enough time to start the project and there is only time to eat lunch.