Sorry to all of you who do not like lists, but in all fairness, I have not done one in awhile so it is time!
Things I really do not like to do
1. House cleaning - the reason I hate...I not like this is because it does not stay clean. If it would just stay clean I would not mind it so much.
2. Clipping my not know why it bothers me so much, but it does.
3. Touching any kind of food once it has passed the stage of not being eaten. If it is cold, or wet from rinsing the plate and it's in the sink...yuk!
4. Smelling any food with ketchup or tomato in it.
5. Picking up doggie doo-doo
6. Calling about a problem with a bill or even ordering a not like talking to strangers on the phone!
7. I will not answer the door if I do not know who it is or if I am not expecting someone. With my poor sight and hearing, it is not worth it.
8. Getting up early for any reason (early for me is six a.m....for me a good time to get up is 7:30).
9. Going to an doctor and they do not listen or believe what I say.
10. Waiting in line to check out...I am here to spend money but I have to wait! This makes no sense to me.
Some of these I have mentioned before but I still do not like doing them. I am sure there are more but ten is enough.