Lori's Minute

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Thanksgiving Story

There were a number of years when I was in high school, my mother would invite a relative to eat with us on Thanksgiving. She lived an hour out of town but worked in town and always had to work the day after Thanksgiving so she would stay with us.

The trouble was, this woman was a non-stop talker. After we made it through the wonderful meal (mom is a great cook and we are eating at her house this year) my brother and I had rented two movies to watch. We all gathered in the family room (except for my father who was downstairs at the bar) to watch the first movie. I cannot tell you the name of the movie or what it was about because our guest talked the entire time!

As my brother went to put in the second movie, I was frustrated. I decided I was going to say something. The second movie was Spielberg's 'E.T.'...you know, 'E.T phone home'. So, I said out loud not to anyone in particular, "OK, there is no talking during this movie." I stole a glance at my mother who was not happy with me because I was being rude. I then looked at my brother who had the normal "my sister is wacko' look on his face but I did not look at our guest who was sitting in a recliner rocker behind me in the corner.

The movie starts...I hold my breath. We watch the first five minutes of the credits and as the story begins there is lots of music. I start to think to myself, maybe I accomplished my goal because there was silence from the back corner of the room. I get my pillow and settle down to watch the movie.

All of a sudden, I hear from behind me, our guest says, "I didn't know E.T. was a silent film!"

Shoot me....shoot me now....some people just do not get it.


At 5:21 PM, Blogger Louisiana said...

lol..you are right..often the message is lost with ones that need to hear it..i'm guilty of that too..sometimes the obvious flys right over my head..yikes.

your mother was very kind and charitable to invite that lady. your family kept her from being alone on such a happy day. what a nice thing to do, thank you.

this Thansgiving will be finger liking good, it sounds like your mom is an awesome cook..yummy!

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We might be related. Your relative sounds like my mil.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

I went to the movie with a friend. We each paid $7.50 to get in, and she talked through the fiurst several minutes. Finally I said, "You want to talk to me? Give me mty money back and I'll listen, other wise, be quiet and let me watch the movie." She didn't talk to me for three days. We've never attended the movies together again.

Lori, I would go to the movie with you amytime.

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Catch said...

lol....good story! Your Mom would have really frowned at me when I said...if you want to talk please go in another room! LOL

At 4:05 AM, Blogger kristi said...

I know someone who is currently like that, she just doesn't shut up. She asks me questions and never lets me answer because she feels the need to interupt and I never finish

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

I bet you didn't know that Chris invited eleven people and her family to your house for Thanksgiving , did you? Aren't we glad they turned her down.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

I do not like talking when i am watching a movie, because just when I need to hear to understand the movie the talking will come so I can't hear.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Jo said...

Whenever people do that with me, I usually just say, "Let's just play that part again, I didn't quite hear it." They get the hint.

The poor soul is probably a bit lonely and needs people to talk to. But folks like that just don't know when to stop and listen.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That is a hilarious story and so common --I think holidays bring out the best stories and the worst in blabby relatives!

At 7:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah. I've got a daughter and son in law that see all the movies as soon as they come out on DVD. They hold a running commentary as the movie is playing. I remember having to watch "Oh,Brother, Where Art Thou" three times just so I could understand it. Too much "static" from them!


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