Lori's Minute

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Another Day

After yesterday's post I am anxious to get a new one out. Thanks to all who commented, they did make me feel better and not alone.

Last night we went to my sister-in-laws house to help her move a few items in her house to get it ready for showings. As she and HOH were busy, I took the opportunity to look at the rooms as someone who is looking at the house for the first time and recalling what it was like when she first moved in.

I came to the realization it would be a nice house for a young family. She has one room with old fashion Pooh, a bedroom with faux walls and a nice office room nicely painted. The huge family room looks really nice, too since she just painted it last summer. (I feel like a real estate agent). We plan to go again to help move more stuff when she is ready.

Tonight we are going to Parents night at the camp where my daughter has been attending this week. It is kind of fun....we have a picnic and then the kids put on a skit before we leave them there for an overnight.

Well, I am off to start my day so have a good one!


At 6:25 AM, Blogger kristi said...

see it was a better day after all wasn't it!!! Today is going to be even better. You are so lucky to be able to have put your kids into camps this summer, they did not have anything like that in our area for the kids or I would have been right on it

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Glad your helping to get that houe sold.

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy parents night! Those skits must be so fun to watch!

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Louisiana said...

i am truly grateful that your heart is more at peace today. it is hard when kids act like that. it does hurt us very much. they mean no harm, they are just being self-centered which is part of the learning curve but heck, it hurts. i know. we all know. kiss your heart better. she loves you much but...trust me i know..

thank you for dancing of joy for me...i thought of you when we were with the dolphins..can't wait to write about it..

it is very nice of you to help with the family. i have come back with an even stronger sense of family and loyalty and i wanted to tell you that you are a wonderful daughter/sister in law. you really are. you are all a big, beautiful bunch and it makes me happy. thank you.

take care, enjoy tonight, hugs.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Catch said...

Im glad things are looking up today!!! Go and enjoy the festivities tonight and tell us about it tomorrow...I always thought those skits the kids put on were so cute!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Catch said...

Im glad things are looking up today!!! Go and enjoy the festivities tonight and tell us about it tomorrow...I always thought those skits the kids put on were so cute!

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Janets Planet said...

Watch enough HGTV and you will definitely begin to feel like a realtor! Tried the red on the loft's half wall. While I liked the bolt of color, I could just hear a realtor in my head saying it has to go. So it did.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

I was talking to your sister -in -law. Told her you thought it looked good. She had the inspection and there are some problems one left over from the ols owners. It was to be fixed the workers said they did it apparently they didn't but the inspector was not too worried. Thank you for helping her.

I am glad the day was better for you, your daughter does love you,

The skits should be fun

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.


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