Lori's Minute

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tonight I got to meet some of my daughter's eighth grade teachers...math, science and community living. They all say the same thing...she's a great kid to have in class, gets all her work done, is organized, participates in class. This is the total opposite of me when I was in junior high...I was shy, rarely participated in class and barely got my work done. I even saw her locker which she thinks is messy but compared to my locker, her's is pretty good.

I did volunteer to talk to my daughter's community living class to talk about my recent articles in the paper even though I do not get paid for it. The teacher thinks that is ok, she was just happy to have someone come and talk to the class.

Earlier this week we went to my son's second grade conference. It also went well. He gets his work done, participates in class, and is a good kid to have in class.

Now if I can only get my husband to stop talking to his boss about politics, life would be perfect.


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