Lori's Minute

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Finish It Week

This is the week I plan to finish a bunch of projects I have started around the house. I already finished cleaning out the fridge, currently I am working on finishing the laundry room after which I will put police tape across the door and not allow anyone in until school starts! I also plan to finish painting the front door which needs one more coat. I also have to go through my closet and my son's closet for clothes to donate and call for the Salvation Army to pick up a couch. Also need to make hair appointments...

This month we as a famiy have decided to try to eat at home the entire month!!! We spend so much on eating out mostly because since I do not drive, we wait until hubby gets home and then we all go out and run errands and usually end up eating someplace. But not this month! So, one night my daughter wrote out a menu for the entire month and now all we have to do is the shopping. Hubby plans to bring his own lunch as well and the money he saves will go towards a new computer. I hope the money we save from dinner will go toward a vacation. . I realize our grocery bill will go up, but the eating out bill should be gone this month so we will see how much we save. I also called hubby's aunt for a recipe he likes which I can make a lot of at one time and freeze.

I know this is not all that interesting but I wanted to post something!


At 11:41 AM, Blogger kristi said...

I have done the same thing, we always go out to eat and end up spending way too much money every month on it. We vowed to go 2 weeks without eating out and we ended up doing the Fast Food thing like 5 days into it. My schedule is just too hectic to do it everyday, (cooking at home that is)!!
Good Luck finishing all of your projects, maybe by not going out you will have more time to work on them.

~Here via Dr. JOhn's Marathon

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Gunngirl said...

Good plan on not eating out. We try to do that too...it never works! Sometimes I can't decided what I want to eat, so I just go home. lol

It really helps if you can have something pre-planned at home to cook fairly quickly. But if you go out and stay out a long time, it's inevitable you're gonna buy something, even if it's just a donut.

LOL about the police tape. You have good plans, I want to clean my bedroom. Whew, tough job. :)

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Catch said...

I remember when I was little...we ate out like once a week..it was special....now its just an everyday thing and cost way too much money. Im here from Dr John

At 1:12 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

Hi cool nice blog From Dr.johns Crazy Object b. Hi HI hI

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Margaret said...

Good going! I'm still on my extended take a nap week. Extended due to popular demand of course but I really need to get on things. Sent by Dr. John. Take Care! -Margie

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

I saved a ton of money the month I quit going through fast food places -- I also lost a bit of weight! I still do the drive thru thing once or twice a week, but nothing like I used to.

Lori, you know I would have come by anyway, but I have to add this: Dr. John sent me!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Cindy said...

good plan- I am always amazed when I stop and actually figure out how much it costs me not to pack my lunch for work. Dr. John sent me.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Bella said...

Actually, I wasn't boring at all. I bet you gave someone some great ideas.

My family and I used to eat out a lot too. We stopped, cooked meals enough for two days and saved our money. We saved $2,000 in six months and now we are on our way to Dinseyland for ten days on Friday.

I have to go finish my Dr. John project now. :)

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Gingers Mom said...

Ah, if only I could find the motivation to finish anything I start! Dr John sent me

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Stacy said...

Whoa, you go girl! I should be half that ambitious. Here from Dr. John's.

At 7:36 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

You should be able to save for a vacation eating at home. We will cause you to break that good habit if you can come and take some more boxes.
came from Dr John's

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how I HATE to clean the fridge. I would rather clean the toliet!

Good luck eating at home. We say we are gonna do that, but never do! We are weaklings!

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Louisiana said...

well no missy you are wrong, it is very interesting. it makes me feel like we are neighbours and i feel like i have known you for a million years. part of blogging for me is the feeling of family and you my dear are part of my new family...run Lori, run, lol...

eating out gets expensive. i drive but not cook. eating out is my special dish...so i understand..i'm sure you will see big savings. and when the big vacation comes, come to Alberta...you all have a humble but welcoming place here..

have a peaceful sleep. you and me, no nightmares allowed. let's me somewhere and go for a walk okay? see you tonight friend.

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

This post reminds me I have to go and check my front door again. Yesterday some cat peed on it, I washed it and the paint started coming off, now I have to paint it. But first I have to go out and make sure that cat didn't come back......disgusting thing cleaning up cat pee off your front door. yuk.

Dr. John sent me this way.

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the visit. Jimmy and I go to the grocery store once a week and eat out before so, we (hopefully) wont buy as much. Some times it actually works! I refuse to drive the freeways of Houston!

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