God's sense of humor
As most of my blog readers know, I have a hard time getting a good night's sleep. My dreams are usually frightening, scary, and usually involving kidnappings, death or a destructive weather elements such as several tornadoes or hurricanes, etc. You get the idea.
So, a couple weeks ago after saying my usual prayers I decided to throw in a request ending my prayer with "....a dream about George Clooney wouldn't be bad either."
Now, normally I would not ask for such a thing and if I have, it has never come true. But this night, it did! However, it was not what I was expecting (not sure what I was expecting) but there he was in my dream, wearing a Halloween costume dressed in a dress, wearing makeup and a wig!!!!
Once again I am reminded He answers prayers but not always the way we want him to answer.
Have a good one!
Well,God does have a sense of humor and he knows George Clooney's sense of humor too! Good story!
George isn't a bad thing to dream about, even in a halloween costume. :)
I know one time I kept wishing every day But it happend it was true the whole time I was wishing
I was to buzy wishing I didn't relize It was true. I relized It
Three years later Ha Ha Ha
Some one near.
Lori -- have you been tested for sleep disorders? Your symptoms could be apnea related.
That was a way to make your dreams less stressful and even humorous and God does have a sense of humor.
Dreams are funny...a few weeks back I dreamed I had a bear!!! I was scared of him but I didnt want to be,..lol. I got on his back and rode him into town ( all the while fearing he would bite me). I rode him to the grocery store to get some bear food!!! LoL. When I came out of the store he was gone and I was kinda glad but I didnt have a way home...lmao.
...however he is a way better dream than the horror ones you usually have...
sweet, i have had to go to a Sleep Clinic because i have big problems through the night and one thing the doc spoke and asked me about was night terrors...like yours...they are part of a sleep disoder he explained...might be something to look into hon..any night i actually sleep, my life and pain is beyond different in a good way...
my angel tonight ask to dream of something silly again..
i hope you have rest. hugs.
You with a sleep disorder. You and Peter could get matching masks. Wow.
I always pray about my dreams before bed because I have some really horrific ones. It usually works. But I have never prayed to dream of anything in particular! Maybe I should try that!
send here by Dr. John's..do you know him? he, he...love you. hope you are well.
It's really difficult when you can't sleep. I too have sometimes insomnia.
Hello! Here from Dr. John.
haha that is too funny. Well it sounds like a comedy....George wouldn't make half bad looking woman either.
Dreams can be so annoying can't they, I actually often KNOW I am dreaming yet can't wake myself up until right before the boogey man is about to get me......I wake up sweating. I don't watch scarey pictues because they ALWAYS give me nightmares.
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