Lori's Minute

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


You know how you look for 'signs' to help you make a decision? The other day my son said he wanted a Batman motorized car. I thought about it might work for a birthday gift since we still have not gotten anything so I thought, we will look and see if they even have them. They probably do not. If I do see one, it has to be under $200. So, that night because he had done well in school we went to the store. Just as we were checking out, on our way out the door, there was a motorized Batman car! The price was $199. I could not believe it.

Then I thought he probably would not use it much since you need a place to drive it and he barely fits in it now so it would only be good for this summer not to mention if he takes off in it, I am too slow to run after him!

So, even though there were plenty of signs to get the car, I did not get it. Sometimes, a sign is only a sign. THis is where I have to be an adult and make a grown up decision even though I would love to get it for him.

He has not brought it up since he saw it so it is safe to say he will be ok without it.

The four year almost five year old was star of the day today at school which made me the room mom. We made cookies and brownies for snacks. On a scale of one to ten with ten being great, I would give him a six for behavior. Almost a seven.

Last night I went for a four mile walk and today I am not nearly as sore as I was last week when I did the walk. The bugs were out, but otherwise it was a nice walk.

Have a good one!


At 4:40 PM, Blogger Penelda said...

Well I am surprised to be the first to comment.
I think it is a good idea not to buy the car.

Good Job going for a walk.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

Your decision was probably the best. At four or five the attention span is not very long and as you said he will soon out grow it. It is nice to be a star for a day.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Dr.John said...

I hate to say it because every kid should have a Bat Man car but he is too old already. Soon he wouldn't fit in it.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Catch said...

my grandson Gaige has a motorized hummer and he doesnt ride it that much if it makes you feel better,,,lol...however my other grandson Zack has a motorized tractor and he loves it! lol. They are only 3 years old. Its a lot of money to only get to use 1 summer so I think you did the right thing Lori. On his birthday he wont even remember it!

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

AHHH just get him a cardboard box. Kids love boxes dont know why they just do. Great job on the walking.



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