Lori's Minute

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Every once in awhile I like to do a top ten list. Years ago, my mother told me I only had one fault, I do not like people. She was actually being kind because I have several faults but this one is number one. Since I started my weight loss program a whole four days ago, now I am really hungry which leads me to being very grouchy and now I am taking it out on people I do not like. I am rafraining from the molesters and abusers because most people do not like them. So, today's top ten list is 'People I do not like.'

10. Those who cut in line. Would it be too much trouble to ask, 'Do you mind if I go ahead because I am really in a hurry?' I bet most people would oblige.

9. Those who do not follow common rules or laws such as the white cane law. I have a white cane and motorists are supposed to stop ten feet beyond to let the sight impaired person to pass. This rarely happens.Not only that, but I am also hearing impaired so I do not hear the cars coming. If they would follow the law, there would be no problem.

8. People who are easily offended and assume people are always talking about them. I had a friend when I was in college where I worked. She was beautiful and funny and I really liked her. But then, she accused me of talking about her to someone else but it never happened. After a couple years of this, I had enough. She was not worth it.

7. The single guy who complains about how high his property taxes are but buys the biggest house on the block. Get a smaller house! Same goes for the person who gripes about his car payment and gas prices and then you find out he drives a HUMMER.

6. People who assume since they feel a certain way, everybody must feel the same way. My dad is like this. He never thinks to call before he comes over and then gets upset if we are not home or if we are on our way out. He says he never minds when people drop in on him, so he thinks it is ok to do it to everyone else. He gets hurt since he is the dad, he should not have to call. My point is it may save time if you call and find out we are not going to be home, then you won't waste a trip.

5. Telemarketers who call and then get mad at me because I said "No" and they continue to talk. After the third time I have said "No" I ask if they misunderstood me or what part of 'No' do you not get. Now, I put the phone down and walk away.

4. People who blame everyone else for their lousy life but refuse to believe they have the power to change it. They do not even try to change it! In the end, everone is responsible for their own happiness.

3. People who gripe about their jobs but refuse to look for another one. At least look and see what is out there.

2. Parents who do not care about their kids. Why did they have kids if they do not want to watch them or care for them?

1. People who always talk about themselves, never ask how you are doing or seem to care and then wonder why you do not call or write anymore.

Tomorrow's list will be positive...maybe top ten things I Love about my life. (It is all about me, you know...I guess I could fall in to number one on todays list..oops!)

Hey, I'm not hungry anymore!

Have a good one.


At 9:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow you must realy dislike me.

7. I do complain about my taxes. Ya I could get a smaller house but hey the taxes where alot smaller when I bought the darn thing if they would stop assessing my houses value 20% higher each year I would stop complaining.

5. I dont like teley people either.

4. but it is everybody else fault my life sucks.

3. I do sometimes compain about my job. But I do like it mostly.

2. ok I am not number 2 I love my kids

1. I do always talk about my self I am selfish the world revolves around me. But after I get done compaining about how lousy my life is I ask how yours is going. I think. So thats why noone ever calls me.

I hope you dont hate me too much.

I wish you some kind of good sentiment, but I don’t have the time or inclination to get into it


At 2:21 PM, Blogger Lori's Minute said...

Hey Patrick,

I could never hate you, you are yoo funny! The peron I was talking about was a guy from our Christmas party two years ago.
No one from the family is on the list, I love all my in-laws because they are the greatest and I am not just saying that because you are all coming up this weekend.(You will be on tomorrow's list.) I can hardly wait!!!!

Laurie, slow drivers are in a class all by themselves! They have no clue.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Catch said...

Good list Lori! Im anxious to see tomorrows! BTW you have great inlaws!

At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great list!Doesn't writing it make you feel better? I love blogging! I was not aware of the white cane law. So thank you!

At 5:11 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Great list. I don't like any of those people either.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Louisiana said...

I don't like any one of those people either.
10. I don't mind letting someone go ahead but i do mind the mentally that they are too good enough they need not ask.
9. Thank you for letting us know about the white cane law...i had no idea. I sometimes have to use a wheelchair/cane/walker (depends of the day) and too many motorists are so impatient at times, i can feel the wind drag as they fly by.
8. Soap opera style of relationships are usually too draining.
7. Many different versions of this, it usually means not taking responsibility for our own stuff.
6. It is hard to remember that we are not the sun but just a speck in the universe.
5. Univited intrusion is always instrusive.
4. We are responsible for our own lives-Got to remember this for myself. Sometimes it's easier to feel empowered and sometimes not.
3. Know of a couple of these people.
2. Oh one of my worst pet-peeves. I will not stay quiet when i see abuse of any kind, specially the elderly, handicapped or children.
1. Again, we are not the sun but just a speck.

Having said all that, i'm sure (i know) i have failed at many of these things myself throught my life. I must keep on working on being better....:)

Great list.
Congratulations for the visit. I hope you all have a ton of fun. It's great to have such a loving family and in-laws. I'm very happy for you.
Take care.


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