Lori's Minute

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I am a little frustrated because I tried to leave some comments only to find I could not(Dr. John's) or I left too many(Kristi) so I am not commenting any more today and will try again tomorrow.

I am also a little frustrated because I had this great idea to talk about how I get all my ideas when I am in the bathtub (this idea came to me while I was in the bathtub, as well) only to find out someone else had the same idea!

But, maybe great minds think alike? Dr. John is the one who stole, I mean, also had the same experience and I recall from my ninth grade social studie class some old philospher (Socrates or Aristotle or somebody in the days when people only wore sheets wrapped around their bodies) was in the tub and came up with the answer of displaced water is equal to the volume of the object put in and yelled "Eureka!". I know several presidents and authors such as Mark Twain and Hemingway wrote while they were in the tub. Of course, they probably did not have showers in those days, but that is not the point! I suppose there were some infamous people who liked to take baths such as John Dillinger, but he probably came up with his bank robber ideas while in the tub.

Anyway, I was going to write about how great bath tubs are but now I won't, since somebody already did.

Family Update: We had a nice weekend. We went to Crystal Falls on Sunday. That is the great thing about kids, they came up with the idea to go see Grandma and Grandpa and we thought, "Why not?". HOH is in class all this week. I gave him the same lecture I give the four year old when he goes to school. "Listen to your teacher, no whining, and keep your hands to yourself!"

Have a good one, people!


At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you had a good weekend!

I have heard that some of the best ideas come to people when they are in the tub or on the toliet! LOL!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Catch said...

glad you had a nice weekend.....I would love to have one of those tubs with the jets in it....you could sit back, light a candle,relax and come up with a hundred ideas for a good blog! Sometimes I get good ideas when I am driving.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Penelda said...

Well I hope the HOH had thumps up today. I was going to say I get my best ideas when I am on the toilet butit was already mentioned so the next area is while I am sleeping but I can't remember.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

The tub worked better for Dr. John since what he thought of while in the car was forgotten before he got home by both of us.

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

The only problem with the tub is you can't take your laptop in with you.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger kristi said...

I always have a good idea for a post and I run into the same problem, someone else has already wrote about it or something similar to it. Maybe I will just post before I read anyone elses blogs.

I always get my ideas in the shower or when I am watching people in public


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