Lori's Minute

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I don't know what it is but lately I have been getting into fights with salespeople and today was no different.

My daughter and I went to a preteen clothing store where they had two racks of tank tops. Each rack said, "Buy two, 9.99 each". Of course, we could only find one in her size at each rack so I asked the two sales girls (chatting the whole time we were there and of no help) if I could still get them for 9.99 each even though they are not from the same rack, they were the same price. They both said yes so we checked out. At the checkout, along with a pricey pair of jeans but the only ones we found that actually fit in the whole mall, the tank tops rang up as 12.99 each. I asked why they did not ring up as 9.99 each and she said because they were not from the same rack.

I said the two sales girls said it was ok and she said, "I doubt she said that because we have had this problem before and I know she knows they are supposed to be from the same rack. "

"Let's bring her up and ask her." I suggested.

"Oh, she left already. "

My daughter piped up and said that both sales girls said it was ok and again the check out lady said they know better and would not have said it.

I absolutely HATE IT when someone accuses me of lying. I looked at her like I was ready to leave but she did ring them up at 9.99 each. She then said, "if you spend $5 more, you get and extra $25 coupon"

I had Breanna pick out a hair piece to which the clerk said, "Hair accessories are 'Buy one, Get one half off!"

I was ready to choke her and would have left if the jeans were not so important and I was not ready to drop dead from shopping my my husband and son were also waiting for us. I said, "We are done, thank you."

Then I look at the coupon and you have to spend $50 to get the $25 off next time....What?????

It is a good thing we only go there once in a blue moon. Hubby suggested we try to get the jeans online....good idea, if I get mad at the computer, there is no backtalk.


At 8:48 PM, Blogger bettygram said...

It is too bad that you feel so good when you find a clerk that treats you right.

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way to win is to take your money elsewhere.


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