Lori's Minute

Saturday, July 28, 2007

What's New?

It has been an unusual summer so far, different from summers past (hence the word unusual).

!. We went on a vacation for a whole week.

2. I went to convention without a family member.

4. My daughter was gone for over two weeks.

5. Apparently I forgot how to count.

6. My son is able to feed himself and occupy himself for more than ten minutes at a time.

7. We are getting rid of a couple of monthly payments rather than adding a monthly payment (not much but every bit adds up.)

8. A lot of people I know are sick or going through some tough times.

9. We organized a closet and got some storage units for it and it is actually working out better than we expected.

10.The kids are seeing their cousins and grandparents more often (except for the ones that actually live in the same city as us...we are working on it!!!)


At 9:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like you have had quite a summer. I sit here wondering where the time went.


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