Lori's Minute

Monday, April 09, 2007


I always get on my husband's case because he procrastinates but I am also guilty of this personality trait. For instance, twenty years ago I read about a procrastinators club I could join but if you sent the paperwork in too soon, you were not allowed to join. I still have not sent in for the paperwork.

I was one of those people who did a college paper the night before it was due and still hoped to get an A on the paper (happened once probably because it was a rookie instructor).

Right now I cannot get in my closet because of the heap of clothes on the floor I need to go through. I promised myself I would go through it this week and get it done. The only problem is (there is always a problem for us true procrastinators) is I have to wait until the family gets home in case I do not come back and they need to send in a search party. Hubby suggested I tie a rope to myself so I can find my way out but finding a rope could take days. I will leave a note, just in case so they can send in a search dog.

Now I have talked myself into attempting it...I will do it...but first I am taking a bath. I know I should wait until AFTER but I am taking it now...then the closet....well then it will be time for lunch so after lunch....for sure.


At 6:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I do the same thing. Somewhere in the back of my mind I think if I ignore it I wont have to think about it or deside something. Now where is the sand to stick my head in?

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Just remember that if you decide to go into the closet Spanky will be there before you.

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd suggest leaving a trail of bread crumbs, but that would guarantee Spanky's presence -- and the disappearence of the trail.


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