Lori's Minute

Friday, February 02, 2007

Six Weird Things bout Me

Somebody did a post about six things about them that are weird or unique so I am stealing it for today.

1. I freak out if I miss the garbage man. He only comes once a week usually not before ten but last week he was here before eight so now I have garbage in my garage for another week. Never mind all the junk that is in there that we will probably never get rid of, but the garbage really bugs me. This has only happened about three times that I missed him, but I still worry about it every week.

2. Some people buy shoes or clothes and never wear them, I but picture frames and never use them. I have good intentions when I buy them, but rarely do I use them when I get home. I think it is because I am not good at hanging the pictures up on the wall.

3. I am the world's pickiest eater, never had most fruits, vegtables, or seafood but I love froglegs. The only soup I have tried is chicken noodle. I also cannot stand ketchup!

4. When I was working or going to college, I would take naps in my car on my lunch hour.

5.I tend to plan ahead 20 years but not for today. For instance, when I was in first grade, I wanted to be in college so I could take the classes I wanted to take. Now I am thinking of when the kids are grown and gone, we will get a condo so we do not have to take care of the lawn. My youngest is five so it will be awhile but I am already looking at retirement communties.

6. I do not want to win a huge lottery because I think it would put my kids in danger but I would not mind winning something once in awhile....just once....even a trip where it is nice and warm would be nice.


At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often win things. Nothing big -- but things. I once got five out of six lottery numbers and won enough money to pay one month's rent, put four new tires on the pick up and have a weekend getaway in a nearby city.

You, Lori, have won a wonderful family. That is much better.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! Btw, right after I read your post this morning I ran and took the garbage out. Not five minutes later I could hear the garbage truck at the end opf our street! Thanks!

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Dr.John said...

If you find out how to win let me know.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Catch said...

IM with ya on missin that garbageman...freaks me out too!


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