Lori's Minute

Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Very Special Angel

I am convinced there is a very special angel in heaven whose (?) sole responsibilty is to watch over the most prized possession of children. An angel who knows how important a certain blanket, doll or stuffed animal is to a child even though it is disgustingly dirty, missing an eye or a limb. There is no way an adult could possibly understand its importance. How many times do we throw things away only to have them reappear weeks later?

The other day I picked up my son from school and as we were walking home, I asked him what he was going to take to school the next day for show and tell. He immediately said, "Pinky". I was quiet for a moment because I had not seen Pinky for a couple of days. He is a stuffed dog, brown and white with two bandaids on him for when he went to the 'vet'...a small round bandaid on his head and a regular one on his back.

I said, "Do you know where Pinky is?"

Son, "Yes, he is right up there, on that guy's lawn!'

I looked to where he was pointing, and sure enough, there on the lawn was Pinky. What? I was trying to rack my brain to figure out how he got there and then I realized he must have fallen out of the stroller two days earlier when it was raining. I had taken my son and Pinky in the stroller which has a rain cover, dropped him off and thought Pinky was safe in the stroller but he must have fallen out as I walked home.

We did not see him the day before because we did not walk home that day, we had left from the school to go to the doctor.

So, there he was, still with his band aids on and in pretty good shape even though it had rained (God washed him). So, we got home and I threw him in the washer and the dryer and he was all set for Show and Tell the next day.

Thanks, angel.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Joe & Karen said...

Hi Lori, My name is Karen, I have come by through Butterflies Blog... your story touched my heart. My son Jack was born Feb. 21 and passed away on Feb. 22. Any story related to young children and the significance of their attachments makes me smile. Thank you for sharing the adventures of Pinky. There sure is an angel for everything I beleive!
Have a wonderful day

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Louisiana said...

i'm so very glad that Pinky was found. in such a huge world i'm glad that our children haven't had to been without their precious stuffies. yes, God is good, He looks over the huge things and the little ones.

i'll say it again, your son sounds adorable. i am totally in love with both of your kids. how is Bree today? i do hope the meds are helping her. poor kiddo, being sick is never easy and she is so full of life, i hate to think of anything slowing her down.

i'm glad you got your Peter back today. you both have so much love and respect for each other. it almost sounds easy. it is not i have found out..i know your first mariage was a disaster, i'm so glad that you found that love does exist and it can be healthy and fun and good. i loved how he wrote about you for your birthday. that was so sweet.

you are a wonderful lady Lori. and you deserve all the love and happiness that your in laws and your hubby and your kids give you.

i hope your bday was nice and now that hubby is back that you can celebrate all over again.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Gunngirl said...

Yea for Pinky! =:)

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

What a truly special story! I am glad Pinky has a guardian angel.

At 5:04 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

A Guardian Angel for toys. I will have to meditate on that concept. We know there are Guardian Angels for th ekids who have the toys or no child would ever make it to being an adult. Its wild that your son knew it was on the lawn.

At 1:52 AM, Blogger Catch said...

wow, you were lucky to have found Pinky again!! I am so glad you did! Its funny though that he was just sitting on that guys lawn like he was waiting for you guys to come and get him!!!!

At 6:25 AM, Blogger B.R.L said...

I think it is wonderful that pinky was left right where he fell. No other child took him home.
I am glad Pete made it home. He was waiting for a taxi when we talked to him on Saturday

At 4:40 PM, Blogger butterflies said...

Thats SO good you found him..well your boy found him..he was meant to stay right there til you returned..Imagine if a neighbours dog took him? ..God kept him safe and sound,although a bit grubby.
I believe in angels and I knwo they are watching over you and your family.


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