We're off the see the wizard
Not much new around here. Today we are going up to see the wizard.....er.....in-laws to gather more boxes for the great move.
Yesterday as my son and I were leaving the school, we were almost to the end of the playground when I heard my son say, "Hurry, mom, the teacher is coming for you!" He then said really quickly, "I got three strikes in gym....hurry mom, let's go home".
I stop and turn around and sure enough his teacher is trying to catch me. Turns out it had nothing to so with three strikes in gym class(we will talk about that later at home) but it was picture day and he did not get his picture taken because he was in the wrong line so he will get it on re-take day.
Moral of the story: Do not fess up until you are sure why the teacher is calling you.
Three strikes in gymn, tyhat kid gets more and more lioke gramps every day.
haha....poor thing, he must have been quite suprised to find out it was only about pictures!
Little moments like that are why I love teaching. You never know what's going on in a kids mind.
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