Lori's Minute

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Well with Pete being gone all week to St. Louis I thought I was going to get a lot more done around the house than I did. I did mow the lawn (had Bree show me where I missed so I got those spots as well) and I went out to lunch twice for my birthday. Once with my friend Jean and once with my mom. Both were good food and good company.

I also worked on my next column for the paper and sent it in to the editor. It should be in this Monday. October is National Disability Employment Awareness month and since I worked for 15 years with a hearing and sight impairment, I shared my experiences. (Most of it good).

We also had a meeting with Bree's counselor at school to go over her goals and so on. I was surprised to learn she wants to be a mermaid....not sure where one goes to college for that but we will look for one. Ok, she really wants to be a teacher.

Today I replaced lightbulbs, cleaned the floor, ran the dishwasher and did some laundery. Next I will clean out the pantry.

I finally turned the furnace on since the I read it was 62 degrees in the house. I was trying to hold off until Novemeber but we could actually get snow this weekend, before Halloween!

Pete comes home tonight!


At 3:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I would say that you did a fine job or jobs. Now relax.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger bettygram said...

I was surprised of Bree choice to be a mermaid. Teacher is a good choice.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Dr.John said...

WE never had a mermaid in the family but we have had some teachers.


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