Lori's Minute

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Great Day

Friday was a great day! Luke came home with zero checkmarks and he said the whole class lined up and gave him high-fives. Then at martial arts, he got a certificate for being in th class and was star student of the day because he knew the answer to the master's question. "Who was the master's master?"

We are very proud. However, hubby got scolded by the master because he was talking to Luke during the class and parents are supposed to be quiet. Oops!

Hubby and Bree went to the Packer/Bear game tonight. They want all the fans to wear white so we went and bought them both white shirts. He got a jersey and Bree got a light sweater but is wearing green and gold necklace. I hear thunder so I hope it passes before the game starts. They took ponchos just in case.

I started my second 100 day exercise program this past week. I did ok the first 100 days but have to keep going....it helps to have shorter goals....baby steps, people!


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Very nice!

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But were the ponchos white?

At 9:16 PM, Blogger bettygram said...

I am proud of your son. The game started out great but that last quarter was bad news.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Tell Luke Gramp is clapping because he got no strikes. Sorry about the game.


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