Lori's Minute

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Meet my ghost

For awhile now, I have suspected we have a ghost or ghosts in our house. Now when I was a kid, this would have freaked me out. As I have gotten older and met people who claim to have knowledge about ghosts or 'spirits' and watched shows or movies about them, I have decided if they do exist, maybe they just need a little help or are having fun but there is not much I can do about it.

When I go to bed everynight, there always seems to be some moments of very intense heat followed by icy cool air. I have not done any research to find out what this means, but a woman I worked with years ago always talked about how her husband's late wife was always showing up when she went to bed by making her side of the bed really cold. So, everytime I feel this heat/cold I think maybe there is someone there trying to get some sleep or something.( As far as I know, my husband does not have a late wife.) A few times I have said out loud, "It is ok to go but if you really want to stay, fine, just don't move things around because I do not see well and I could trip over something and hurt myself." So far, the ghost has been obliging to my request.

I have always kind of joked about this to myself thinking it was silly but then yesterday something unusual happened. The kids were outside and I was cleaning the house to get it ready for company. I was vacuuming the rugs in the hallway when I felt someone walking right behind me as if they came in from the garage. You know how can you feel the thumping from footsteps as a person walks and this was right behind me. Naturally I turned around to see what kid wanted something now for the umpteenth time but no one was there. I went outside to see if the kids were out there and they were out in the driveway. I came back in to see where the dog was and she was sleeping in the family room.

I go back to the vacuum cleaner and try to start it but it doesn't and I look and it has been unplugged! I guess I was disturbing whoever it was but I said, "Look, I have company coming and if you do not like it here, go someplace else!"

I got my vacuumming done and company came and everything was fine....for now. I better go apologize in the hallway....

Have a good one!


At 9:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Makes me want to watch the "Ghost Whisper" again. Kinda like the occasional scents that visit me.

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Andrew McAllister said...

Maybe the ghost just wanted you to go vacuum in their quarters :o)
To Love, Honor and Dismay

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Whenever I move into a new place I always say "If there is anyone here I ask you to please go to God. But if you insist on staying here I do not want to know it!"

I have read that getting rid of a ghost is a simple as saying "Hey your dead! Go to God!" Sometimes they really do not kno wthey are dead! Crazy!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

You should appreciate that ghost. It was up quite late voting for you over at my blog.

At 11:39 AM, Blogger B.R.L said...

This ghost was busy last night. I have tired fingers. If Donna's ghosts were not so busy I would have stopped sooner.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

LOL! Poor Betty! My niece was one of those frantically helping Donna -- as was one of Donna's blogging buddies in England! It took 3 of them to keep up with you!

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Your house isn't old enough to have ghosts. On the other hand one might have been passing by and stoped in to rest.

At 5:29 PM, Blogger kristi said...

Sounds like you have a good ghost. I used to feel that way in my house growing up. It was a real old house so there is no telling what went on it that thing, before we lived there.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Catch said...

the hot and cold thing is the change of life...lol. One minute hot....next minute cold...lol

I dont think I would be afraid of a ghost either...esp if it was one of my relatives.

At 4:33 AM, Blogger Louisiana said...

this totally freaks me out...ouch, i am scared and i just read about it..you are strong and brave.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

Lori, if you are worried that someone is going to be offended by your astounding lead, relax. We are all just playing. Half the fun is watching the drama and Betty and Donna are creating good drama. Though their contest looks hectic, it really is quite friendly.

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

WOW scarry, Well at lest it not one of prankster goasts. I think I have one to. I was doing my chapter 13 work was had my sams club lastest bill and then later when I was looking for it to enter the info but it was noware to be found. Course I am a linna so I might of just accidently disposed of it in the garbage. My key move every morning also.



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