Lori's Minute

Friday, August 25, 2006

Are you a mom with a sore throat?

This was supposed to be a somewhat humorous post. I WAS going to talk about how a few days ago I let out a lound scream. No, I did not see a mouse or open my electrical bill or open the door to my daughter's room. The scream was because I, a mother, was at the end of my rope.

I had been doing well all summer. But the other day, hubby called on his way home from work as he always does (he is so good about that) and that is the precise time the kids want something, are asking me something or arguing in the same room as I am trying to talk on the phone.

I have a lot of pet peeves such as when people say 'ain't' or "I seen ya...". I also do not like to wait long in a check out line. I am in the store, ready to buy, but there are not enough people to check us out so I am wasting my time standing in line. Another one is rude salespeople or rude people at work. IF you do not like your job, find another job but do not take it out on us!

But, probably my biggest pet peeve is when people interrupt. Both my kids do this and after dealing with it all summer, I had had it. So, I hung up the phone and let out a 'ARRRRGHHHHHHH!". Both kids stopped and I quietly told them what I wanted to happen. I did not throw anything, stomp or yell or use profanity.

Now, I was going to end this post with a "If you have a sore throat, you are probably a mother waiting for school to start".

But, here it is two days later and guess what? I have laryngitis! Just from that one little outburst, I can no longer speak. The kids are happy because I can no longer talk but look extremely hilarious trying to do sign language to communicate. There is a lot of head nodding or shaking and pointing at things. Hubby is happy because when he calls he gets to do all the talking. The dog is happy because I do not tell her to go lie down or wait a sec until I can let her out.

So, everybody in my family is happy and that is what a good mother does. She gets laryngitis so her family is happy.


At 9:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

LOL! been there... I remember coming home from work one day to find my kids and their friends had made a mess in the kitchen. When I yelled kids scattered like roaches when you turn on a light.

Then there is always the story of my very talkative daughter when she got a sore throat. It was so nice and peaceful while she was quiet!

At 2:21 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

I am sure there are a lot of moms with you. When I was a beginning teacher the first week of teaching I lost my voice. I tried teachingbut the kids took advantage of me so I had to get a sub.

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Margaret said...

Sip lots of herbal tea with honey and lemon. You'll be back to your self in no time. I haven't yelled myself to sore throat yet, but I did almost throw myself into a serious asthma attack.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

Boy, I wish raising your voice effected everyone that way. My teen years would have been so much more peaceful. :belatedly looking around: My sister, Caryl, doesn't read this blog, does she?

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It funny how kids know the percise moment you want to hear something or say something to become very loud.

At the drive through so that was 10 big macs 5 fries and 20 pops. NO WAIT THATS NOT What I wanted.

When your driving and on the cell phone, What you just sat on your cat. Oh you got a fat cat.

When you favoret song comes on the radio. LA LA LA DAD HE IS TOUCHING ME. YOU SAID NO TOUCHING. wait that was not part of my favorte song what the. KIDS QUIT DOWN. GRRR.

I know how you feel I have lost my voice after yelling before.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Gunngirl said...

I got laryingitis from screaming on a roller coaster. It's not fun.

Oh, and my mom did one of those 'fed up' yells a few times when we were kids. I'm with margaret---TEA!

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Andrew McAllister said...

Thanks for popping over and leaving a comment at my place. I appreciate it!


At 11:28 AM, Blogger Bazza said...

It's a shame laryngitis isn't contagious, I could send wifey AND the kids round.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

I only lost my voice at basketball tournaments so I quit going.


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