Lori's Minute

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Drive Out

I forgot to talk about the trip out to SD. We left on a Sunday around one in the afternoon. We stopped in Fairmont, MN overnight and continued on the next day. We stopped at Wall Drug, ate at Al's Oasis, and stopped at an antique store. I looked for miniature sugar and creamer sets and only found two sets which were both ugly. I did see some nice glassware I thought would make nice dessert dishes so maybe that is something I will look for the next time I am at an antique store. I don't go often because one time I broke something so I avoid them most of the time. We arrived at our hotel around seven p.m. We went swimming and ate at Fuddrucker's in the mall in Rapid City. The hotel had a nice map of the area with all the attractions that had simple and easy directions.

In other updates, I had a Weight Watcher's meeting tonight and I had a loss which I thought was pretty good considering we were on vacation last week. I have to keep going....

Luke has been at invention camp this week...so far, so good. Pete picks him up at three and takes him back to work with him until it is time for them to come home.


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