Lori's Minute

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Well, I finally did it. I broke down and got a cellphone. There have been times we could have used an extra cell phone so we have been thinking about it for awhile. I got the Jitterbug....it has large print numbers, and is hearing aid accessible and has volume control. Also, there is no contract. Breanna already asked if she could take it to school tomorrow. What?

Have I mentioned lately how my health life sucks lately? Just when I got over the six week female problem I got Pete's cold...it is NASTY! So, I am still stuck at home. Even cold medicine does not seem to help much.

I do have some GREAT NEWS!!! Pete got an award at work for going above and beyond what he is supposed to do. He called me on the way home and I started crying on the phone...I am so proud of him. The funny thing is people asked him if he knew he was getting the award and he said no. They thought he did because he was dressed up and he said, "No, my wife is trying to get me to dress better so I do not have plumber butt!" Funny....I don't mind it but it probably is not appropriate for work!

THEN, my daughter said she was the only kid in her class who got an A on her math test!!! Whooo-hoooo....

OK, enough bragging...even though I have a cold, it was a pretty good day Friday!


At 8:42 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

I just love bragging by relatives , about relatives.
Get better quick.
Tell Bree gramppa is proud of her.

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Louisiana said...

hi, hope you are well. i see you posted my pic from that one summer, lol...my blog is going private so i can feel free to blog again. pls make sure i have your email so i don't miss out on more time with you.. love

(i'm glad about the cell, they do come in handy and happy bday to your mom. congrats to your hubby)

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon. It's nice to have some bragging rights!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger bettygram said...

It was nice to get together tonight. I haven't read your blog lately so I missed Pete's award. I am a proud mother.


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